
an illustration series: the dangers of product consumption & plastic waste in Indonesia (2019)

Sampah means rubbish in Indonesian. I've always been interested with recycling and upcycling, and have been living a more sustainable lifestyle. This series acts as an easier way to educate others about our plastic waste as well as how to prevent and avoid the use of single use plastic.

us vs boba
us vs boba
boba has been an on going business trend for the past few years, and it's got loyal consumers world wide. the trash that's produced from one boba chain is countless on the daily, let alone combining all the trash from other chains. these cups and straws can't fully be recycled, especially in Indonesia.
single use plastics
single use plastics
it's still difficult for us to get away from single use plastics, just because the alternative for it is still pretty expensive, thus not many companies can afford it yet (also it is still considered as new technology).
us and coffee cups
us and coffee cups
when people go to coffee shops, they rarely ask their coffee to be made in a cup or mug, they automatically make it in a paper/plastic cup. it is time for us to start making that change, either we bring our own tumbler or ask for it to be made in a cup :)
plastic life cycle
plastic life cycle
what we purchase, we consume to. this is the plastic life cycle.
plastic free life
plastic free life
we all have to minimise, avoid, and prevent ourselves from single use plastics.
there are way too many transportation, and way to many people in this city, which causes a dark cloud of pollution on the daily.